A writing road map

After publishing my debut novel, If We Were Villains, in 2017, I took a partial hiatus from writing fiction to get my PhD. Since then, IWWV has been on a strange journey: it sold 500,000 copies in English, was translated into 20 languages, became an international bestseller, and got optioned for a screen adaptation by Blink49 Studios and Eleven Films. Now I’m back in the business of publishing and working on building a sustainable career as a full-time literary creature. I have three books under contract: a novella, Graveyard Shift (Flatiron Books 2024), and a two-book deal with Simon & Schuster for my second novel, Hot Wax, and whatever comes next.

I started Discursions as a way to foster ongoing conversations with my fellow writers and readers about books and the business that brings them to life. I’ve learned a lot that I wish I’d known when I was 23 and signing my first contract. When it comes to the publishing rodeo, knowledge is power, but knowledge is what a lot of authors lack and that lack is why a lot of authors never “make it.” Part of the point of this newsletter is to demystify the industry from the inside, with deep dives into everything that goes on behind the scenes, from landing an agent to negotiating a book deal to navigating social media.

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It’s also a place to talk about craft—about how we tell the stories that need to be told. You’ll get a look into my personal process, advice accumulated from a few decades’ mistakes, resources for honing your skills as a writer, and opportunities to ask questions and engage with likeminded inkslingers. Because most of my work these days involves travel, I’ll also talk a lot about place, and the joys and challenges of writing on the road.

Here’s what to expect when you sign up:

Free subscriptions

Two “Craft” series posts on the first and third Tuesday of each month.

These posts deal with specific aspects of the creative part of writing. While you may hear some specific examples from my own work, you don’t have to know it; they’re designed for a general readership. You can see some examples from my “Revision 101” series here.

Two “Earworm” series posts on the first and third Wednesday of each month.

I’m also a music writer, and music plays a big role in my writing process. Here’s where we’ll talk about music which has influenced my writing and some of the history behind it (you can find some of my existing music writing here), with a companion playlist available on Spotify.

The “Weekend Roundup” every Sunday.

These short posts offer a few behind-the-scenes snapshots of what’s fueling me creatively from week to week. You can see past entries here.

Paid subscriptions

Two “Road to Publication” posts on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

Every two weeks, I check in with a longer post detailing exactly what I’ve been up to behind the scenes as Graveyard Shift and Hot Wax make their way towards bookstore shelves. These posts outline all the mysterious goings-on behind closed doors in publishing, so if you’ve ever wanted to get a peek behind the scenes, consider a paid subscription.

Two “Marginal Notes” on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

This series which features short posts about what I’m reading and why. These might include comp titles, research materials, industry newsletters, academic monographs, magazines, and many other things. You can browse my shelves on Bookshop.org to find these titles easily.

“Office hours” every Friday.

Paid subscribers have a weekly opportunity to send me questions directly and participate in a subscribers-only discussion board. This is an informal space to ask whatever you might want to know about publishing, craft, my professional journey or yours.

Thanks, as always, for reading.

Sign me up

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I've got three books under contract while writing on the backs of napkins and living on the road. Jump in the passenger seat if you want to see where this goes.


Bestselling author of IF WE WERE VILLAINS, HOT WAX, other things. I write about the art of fiction, the business of publishing, life on the road, surviving creative self-employment, and Big Five book deals from first draft to pub day.